Bye bye motorwala.

So the Tatas finally did leave Singur. Its Nabami today i.e. the ninth day for Devi Durga at her Father's place. The Pujas feel a lot quiter this time around. It might be just an illusion tho.

Time to retrospect. count the losses and the over-expenditures. the human race seems to have been hit by a sudden bug without noticing it coming. Money funds are liquidating all over the place and leavin all homo sapiens with something gooey stuck to their fingers. The panic has hardly started yet. But the signs are here to stay.

This month two super high speed electrons will probably hit each other at break neck speed along a no man's land precinct somewhere high up in the Alps and will probably break their necks to reveal a few secrets about the existence of this planet. I remember that primary school teacher who died in the spaceship crash a few years back - her note before death. Of how beautiful our planet looked from high above. As if no factories polluted our skies and no wars polluted our minds. As if the great rain-forests werent really shrinking. The coral reefs werent dieing off. And Man slowly cornering himself into the lonely corner of his office cubicle.

But thats all an As If. She died and vaporised into the early morning atmospheric Suspended Particulate Matter.

When they first started propogating Democracy to the free thinking people of this world they said for the people, of the people and to the people. or something similar. it had the word people repeated several times. i didnt really study my civics sincerely. apparently i am a citizen of the largest bloody democracy of this world. but we are also a socialist republic. no wonder the public opinion is as confused as the newspaper headlines every morning. so why blame the parliamentarians for being election oriented? even we the people wait for the elections to express our opinion. a few thousand people lost their jobs because all of us are either misinformed, ill informed or even not informed at all. and we forgot completely that one of our most important rights as the free citizen of a sovereign nation is the right to information. it had to be made into a law by an act of the parliament so that people finally can raise their voice and ask for the goddamn information.

Some responsible citizens would say that media is the booming sector now, especially the information media. and we have a new subject course in the technology universities called informtion technology. we have computers all over the place. but we have yet to form a network of suppliers and consumers connecting the agragrian sector in the remotest corner of the country to the poshest highrise in our metros. we do not know the price of our own technology. as a matter of fact sometimes we do not even know the actual price of our own underwear. There are just too many festival offers doing the rounds.

So the Tatas left Singur. and the factory buildings now lie empty of the commotion of laborers working their muscles and their brains to create another metal David. Even though the Goliaths seem to be taking the bow out already. most of them will probably be auctioned off in parts by the end of this decade.

Its the small investors and entrepeneurs, the makers and builders of liquid finance in a third world country like ours, who will take the hardest fall. The people who would run daily shuttle services, the canteens lining the highway, the suppliers of the nuts and bolts, light bulb filaments and dashboard accessories. It doesnt really matter. we'll forget about it with a good night's sleep and few extra tranquilizers.

Ex IIT and UCLA trained entrepreneur committed suicide due to bankruptcy. and murdered off his entire family in the process. he was an Indian, though he had been living in the land of opportunities for quite some time now. Some farmer in the hinterland of my great vast beautiful country does that everyday. he doesn't make the headlines. he cant. Coz, Liz Hurley accidentally flashed her flesh coloured panties at some heavenly charity show.

Anyways, the green fields are strewn all over with the long beautiful white grassflowers called Kaash. The weather is still erratic, as it will be for the next half a century. The skies though are still blue. And childhood still a promise that lies far away safe, either in the memory of the past or that of the future.

Peace and Light.


made for a nice read; but talk about a pessimistic realist! ..though we need more of your ilk, and less of the lotus-eaters we have so many of.
shayon said…
what are lotus eaters?
Anonymous said…
It should be lotos-eaters...
shayon said…
what are lotos eaters man???

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